Floral experiments
Creative Floristry

Natalia Koryakina, Kirill Rotulo

Russian Collection, 2012
Saint Petersburg

192 illustrated pages
in Russian and English

Printed in SIA Jelgavas tipografija.
Jelgava. LATVIA

Limited Edition

ISBN 978-5-9014400-78-0 |

There is, it would seem, in the dimensional scale of the world a kind of delicate meeting place between imagination and knowledge, a point, arrived at by diminishing large things and enlarging small ones, that is intrinsically artistic. Vladimir Nabokov has best described the essence of modern floristry as well as the essence of the works presented in the book. It is a result of the long-term cooperation of the two outstanding masters Master of Floristry Natalia Koryakina and Master of Photography, Artist Kirill Rotulo. Their works represent not only a new insight into the place of plants existing in the enormous world where everything is connected but they are also a result of the search for new forms, composition arrangements and techniques and continuation of everything that has been accumulated for ages in the art of flower arrangements

Natalia Koryakina and Kirill Rotulo have created a book where the artistic point found by them made the large small and the small large. It has proved one more time that definitions of the significant and insignificant, the main and subordinate are relative.

Elena Yudaeva

The two famous Russian Masters from Saint-Petersburg the florist Natalia Koryakina and the artist, visual art expert Kirill Rotulo have been carrying out joint work for many years and this cooperation has brought about issuing the book which represents the creative development paths of floral design of the twenty-first century. It comprises objects, constructive-associative works, clothes models, headwear and wigs, form-works and compositions, installations with land-art elements which are made of natural and most common materials on the basis of completely new author’s techniques and at the same time the techniques which were known before but have been used in an innovative way. For the first time Natalia Koryakina’s works with ice are shown in the book. The idea and the development of the technique belong to the author.

Natalia Koryakina is Art-Director of her own company in Saint-Petersburg. As a Judge of the International Category, Natalia has participated as a member of the Jury in 47 floristic competitions and championships. Being a professional botanist, Natalia has grown an outstanding garden in the famous municipal settlement Komarovo. It is the garden that has been an inexhaustible source of various natural materials for floral design experiments.

Kirill Rotulo is Creative Director of ProPhoto Art Studio, Art-Director and co-owner of Spaero Design Group. As a professional artist and photographer, he has been working in different genres and directions of contemporary art. The artworks of Kirill Rotulo can be found in private collections in Russia and many foreign countries.

The book demonstrates the unique talent of Natalia Koryakina, her constant strives for search, the command of the up-to-the-mark techniques, deep knowledge of the History of Floristry and the out-of-the-ordinary view of Kirill Rotulo on composition arrangement and creation of an artistic image. The fact has made the book extremely interesting not only for professional florists, designers, decorators and fashion designers, but also for all who love Nature, plants and Art in all its manifestations. |